Booklist for UPSC CSE Prelims
1.NCERTs of History, Geography & Polity Class 8th-12th
2.India’s Struggle for Independence by Bipan Chandra
3.Certificate of Physical Geography by GC Leong
4.Indian Polity by M Laxmikanth
5.Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh
6.Oxford World Atlas
7.International Relations NCERT XI and XII
8.Indian Culture- Spectrum
9.NIOS Course Materials
1.Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning - RS Agarwal
2.TMH CSAT Manual
3.English Grammar & Composition Wren & Martin
4.Quicker Maths by M.Tyra
Booklist for UPSC CSE Mains
1.India’s Struggle for Independence by Bipan Chandra
2.India After Independence by Bipan Chandra
3.Ancient India by RS Sharma
4.History of Medieval India by Satish Chandra
5.From Plassey To Partition And After by Sekhar Bandyopadhyay
6.Introduction to Indian Art for Class XI (NCERT)
7.Geography of India - Majid Hussain
8.World Geography- Majid Hussain
9.Oxford Atlas
10.Central Physical and Human Geography by GC Leong
11.Geography NCERTs (Class XI and XII)
1. Indian Polity by M Laxmikanth
2.Constitution of India by DD Basu
3. India’s Foreign Policy by Rajiv Sikri
4.Governance in India by Laxmikanth
1. Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh
2. Economic Survey 2019-20/20-21
3. NCERT Books for Science and Technology
4. NCERT Books and NIOS for Environment and Ecology
5. Yojana for Disaster Management
6.ARC Report on Disaster Management
1. Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude by Subba Rao and PN Rao Chaudhry
2. Lexicon for Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude for IAS– Niraj Kumar
3.Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude – Santosh Ajmera & Nanda Kishore Reddy
4.Ethics in Governance: Innovations, Issues and Instrumentalities – Ramesh K Arora
5.Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude – M Karthikeyan
1. Loksabha TV/ Rajya Sabha TV/D D News/Akashvani
1. Indian Philosophy Vedanta
2. Jain ,Bauddh Philosophy
3. Gandhi,Nehru,Tegore,Ambedkar,Vivekananda Philosophy
4. India Year Book

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