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Note: This page is under process.
July & August 2023 Children's New Book Releases will be updated soon.
Children's New Book Releases of May & June 2023
Respect your Mother
1205 Stories / Language
Geronimo Stilton Series
Roald Dahl
Biography for 7-14 Yrs
Hardy Boys
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Enid Blyton
Dork Dairies
The Chronicles of Narnia Complete Vol. 1-7
Harry Potter Complete Collection.
Books for Children by J.K. Rowling
Nancy Drew Vol.67
Asterix & Tintin
Some species of birds, including swifts and hummingbirds, use their saliva in the building of their nests. The swift, for example, projects a large amount of saliva against a surface, such as a tree trunk, providing an anchor for the nest. They then build up the nest in continuing layers of bird saliva along with the odd inclusion of objects such as feathers, twigs, and other plant material.
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